Saturday 26 May 2012

Lots of joy...

Raina woke up last night and was crying, Mummy Hannah went in and comforted her and she went off to sleep again.

This morning she was full of beans and for the first time in this process, we both woke up feeling rested and not tired. We went on a family trip to a local 'poor man's zoo' (Ruth's definition)and Raina loved looking at the 'manimals' and riding on the little electric train. The heat of the sun really wore her out and she had a nap in the car on the way home. The afternoon was spent playing together at home and she is really bringing us both real joy; she's such a character and a real comedienne. Today she has been saying 'Hannah pronounced Ya yah' a lot and our current approach is to gently correct her and say 'Mummy'. Sometimes she carries on saying Hannah afterward; we wait and after a few moments she calls 'Mummy'. Hopefully she will feel she can call Hannah 'Mummy' all the time before too long. We know that she doesnt know what Mummy means ; it's just a word to her at the moment. Start as you mean to go.

Tonight she went down to bed and did not cry at all. Are we being lulled into a false sense of security? Maybe; but for now we are thinking this is a good sign.

Hannah & Ruth


  1. Hi guys

    met you once at an evening meet up at Phoenix theatre bar, you hadn't been matched yet. This blog is so good, beats any book. This post made me cry, it's so sweet. I will keep reading, have a meeting with Southwark in a week or so, having put things off, we've decided to go for it again



  2. Hello, We remember. Thanks for compliment. We don't really know how it developed from ramblings but hope to keep getting better.

    Best of luck meeting Southwark. Remember it is a date and you guys and Local Authority have to be happy to proceed. If you don't like them continue your search.

    Best wishes

