Thursday 24 May 2012

Introductions over!!!

The introductions are over. Our baby is asleep upstairs and is home forever! What a day.....We waited at the end of the FC's street; not wanting to be any later or any earlier than the agreed 10:00am. At exactly 10am we pulled up outside the front door. The FC and Raina were standing at the front door and the door was open. The FC has always told us: no long goodbyes when Raina leaves. Just in and out. Mummy Hannah waited outside in the sun with Raina and Mummy Ruth went inside to pick up the last few things and to give the FC the presents from us to them. The FC was visibly upset and was finding it all quite difficult. Raina's SW had also apparently called to let her know she was running a bit late.....This was the last thing we all needed, slowing down the departure. After a few minutes, the SW arrived and we said our goodbyes. The FC made it very brief and said "bye Raina, take care." Raina responded by mimicking back, "take care". We got Raina strapped into her car seat as quickly as possible; Raina's SW handed us an envelope (Raina's Birth Certificate and a copy of the Placement Order from the courts). We pulled away and as we drove off I shed a few tears...... We made a picnic and we all went to the local park for a couple of hours in the afternoon. Raina has been good as gold today, just the tantrums etc we have come to get used to (normal 2 year old)!!! Her confusion, grief and being unsettled is playing out through tantrums. To encourage attachment we have been doing lots of wrapping in blankets with cuddles, piggies (this little piggy went to market and to vary sometimes went to Westfield and had pork-chops), peek-a-boo, washing her in the bath like a baby, blowing raspberries on her tummy, rubbing in lotion. We had lots of fun together at home in the afternoon, lots of cuddles and cuteness. Mummy Hannah made dinner and Raina ate all of hers. We bathed her and Mummy Hannah did a quick story (Todd Parr's - The Family Book') which Raina liked. Mummy Ruth put her to bed. Raina has not slept in her bed yet so we held our breath as she started to cry. She cried for 'Mummy' and her FC for a brief time and now she is snoring away upstairs. Bring on tomorrow as it will be the first of everything for all.


  1. Hey :) I found your blog this morning and have just read back as far as to when you first enquired about Raina - I just shed a tiny tear for you in reading this entry - I can't wait to read the rest of it. What an absolutely wonderful 'dream come true' story - for all of you. Beautiful! :)

  2. So glad you found us. Our journey is amazing and would recommend it with no hesitation.

    Happy reading

