Monday 18 June 2012

Sniffles all round...

I had my first day back at work today. I had really not been looking forward to it at all and the impending return had been causing us both a bit of stress. I wanted to look in on Raina this morning, she was still asleep in bed; but I knew that seeing her I'd just want to stay home (plus Mama would have throttled me if I'd woken Raina up!) As it was everything was fine; my manager had created a 'Welcome Back Hannah' sign at my desk, which was really nice and she made me lots of cups of coffee. I was eased back into work by my manager as I attended a few meetings, sent a few emails, had lunch and then it was time to go home. I was so excited to see Raina and her and Mama walked part of the way to the train station to meet me on my walk home. When Raina realised it was me she ran towards me, open armed. My heart melted and it was the loveliest greeting after a day in the office. We all ate dinner together at the dining table and Mama and I bathed Raina together. I'm so glad I was able to do all these things with the whole family. We are trialling varied working hours, to enable me to be home earlier, if it goes well I can apply to my employer to change my hours on a permanent basis. I'm also exploring changing my main place of work, to be closer to home and my employer has a few sites so I can feasibly do this. Raina has a stinking cold and we administered our first (of many, I'm sure) Calpol dosage as new parents. Really hope she doesn't feel too ill when she wakes up in the morning. She's very cute as she sneezes (generally in groups of three) and after every sneeze she says "bless me". On another positive note our friends were unanimously approved as adopters today at their panel hearing.

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