Saturday 2 June 2012

First trip to play group...

Yesterday we had breakfast and Raina played at home for the morning. After lunch we went off to Rainas first play group session at a local Children's Centre. We were the first parents there and the play session leader took some brief details from me. She asked my name and I told her and said I was Raina's Mummy. I told her that she had lived with us a week and we were hoping to adopt her. She was surprised by how confident Raina seemed. Ruth was standing at the door with another parent who had just walked in and play leader asked me "and who's that?". I said "that's Ruth, her other Mummy; she's got two Mummies". "oh", she said, "that's lovely" (big grin on her face). Raina loved it and the time flew by. She is really sociable and keen to be involved with other children. The play group leader really took a shine to Raina and it was reciprocated. We will be taking her back there again, but also intend on trying out another children's centre and getting into as many free sessions as possible! Today was a normal day....tantrums and tears and funny one liners. Today we have printed a photo book at a well known high-street photographic shop. It has photographs of the wider family members and our closest friends with labels saying who's who. Frankie is enjoying looking at it and we are using it as a tool to introduce her to people before she meets them in the flesh. Raina is waking up in the night (every night) and screaming; often saying things like "help me Mummy!"; when we go in she seems to be having bad dreams and is not fully awake. We are keeping an eye on it and a sleep diary to see if it improves over time. We have had a wonderful week and a bit with it being just the three of us. We are ready (and feel Raina is ready) to introduce her to some more family members, so have been arranging visits from family members. Tomorrow Grandma (Ruth's Mum) and Aunty and Uncle (Ruth's brother and girlfriend) are coming for lunch at our house. It will be wonderful for other family members to finally meet Raina, after so much anticipation and waiting. We cant wait to see what Raina makes of everyone. looking forward to it!! X x x

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