Saturday 22 December 2012

Guest Posting from Uncle & Aunty

So a while back was a milestone....we left Raina for the first time in the care of other people and found ourselves alone!!! Uncle and Aunty offered to take Raina out to a Local Sea Life Centre and we happily accepted.  We dropped her off, I think we were more emotional about it, she was oblivious! We resisted the temptation to follow them around and to lurk in the shadows and we left the building and headed off to do something adult (for a change!). We visited an art gallery and had a coffee.  We tried but we couldn't help talking about Raina (and the potential of another adoption in the future, are we mad!?!) Anyway, Uncle and Aunty are the Guest Bloggers for this post so over to them!

When we first met Raina that day she was cold yet still very excited to see the penguins. As expected there were various warnings regarding Raina's diet such as no peanuts, no ice cream, regular toilet breaks but the one we especially liked was not to look into her eyes, which made us wonder what super powers Raina may possess lol.

The day started off by walking over a glass floor with fish and sharks swimming underneath. I think Raina was a little concerned walking over them so Uncle JR picked her up and floating her over like she was an aeroplane which she enjoyed and was a great ice breaker and introduction to the sometimes quite frightening undersea animal kingdom.

We then had our photo taken, which Raina especially enjoyed doing. Looking across at the teenager taking the photo we didn't have high hopes on the quality, but in reflection the photo actually came out quite amazing. 

Raina enjoyed looking at all the fish especially the penguins, starfish & turtles. She didn't take too kindly to the sharks, however Uncle Jr found it funny scaring her a few times by taking her up real close or pretending he was going to drop her in a tank full of fish. Hey..shes gotta learn some time lol. She would say 'no no no, stop being silly uncle jr'. 

Aunty Lamora took lots of photos of the different types of animals and made sure Raina understood all the different types of animals that were on view. This was a real educational process Raina enjoyed and is sure to remember.

We left the aquarium after 2 hours, which was quick we felt as we anticipated at least 5 hours of fishy fun! That's what happens when you go Sea World in Orlando lol. 

We decided it was time to get some lunch and decided on Bodeans. We wrapped up warm and trying to get Rainas fingers into her gloves was 'fun'. We got on the tube and realised that Raina was tired so Uncle Jr carried her most of the way, Raina only has little legs after all. Once we arrived we chose what we were eating and Raina seemed to be a bit tired. A sip of Uncle Jrs Tango was all she needed to liven her up again. She had a kids size burger and chips, and even still had room for more spare ribs.

The day ended with Mummy & Mamma meeting us at the table, to a well stuffed Raina.
What a day, what an experience!

Uncle Junior and Aunty Lamora

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