Monday 1 August 2011

Location, Location, Location

So, it's been a few weeks.  We have met our social worker again recently and although we were asssured that we are half way through the completion of the report itself, we came away feeling like we were 100 years away from being ready to go to the panel for approval......

So a few long conversations later and we are ready to dust ourselves off and get ready for the long game ahead.

Since the start of the process we have been busy thinking about our strengths - Hannah is an amazing Youth Worker and has vast experience with adolescents facing all kinds of problems.  I have had experience of looking after children for years and my work is all about helping parents improve their parenting skills but now we know we need to look at our perceived 'weaknesses' and begin to become more attractive potential parents to make it easier for our Social Worker to champion us at the approval stage.

So we have decided to try the following;

Setting up our own local gay parenting group  - a local support network so our child can spend time with  and play with other children from families like ours.  Our lives have been centered around Dumfries for so long.  If we were living in London we could access all kinds of local groups but there seems like there is nothing set-up, ever the problem solvers - we are going to set-up our own group through a social group in Dumfries - who we already know of and have accessed before.

Watch this space and see.......reminds me of the phrase about Mohammed and a mountain or something like that.  If the gay and lesbian family support group won't come to Hannah and Ruth, let Hannah and Ruth make their own gay and lesbian family support group!

Wish us luck


  1. That sounds fantastic guys... what a great proactive approach the the problem. I'm sure if you look at the members map on NFS you can contact local members on there to build your group.

    I was going to say pop round for coffee in West London soon... though maybe we should come to you!! lol

    P xx

  2. You two always welcome!!

    It is proving harder than we thought to set up. We have spoken to Reading Council - no joy, PACT - says give it a go on your own and then come back, and most NFS members in our area joined back 2009/10 but have not been back on it since. It's a different feel outside London. There are probably about 4 couples and 2 singles.

    Onwards and upwards...we are attending a social group this Thursday and should get some more ideas - the Chair of Reading LGBT attends??

