Thursday 12 September 2013

Meeting and Squeaky Giraffe!


It's been 10 days since we heard about Raina's sibling.  Well this whole set-up is just crazy and things couldn't be more different from how they were when we went through the process to be linked and matched with Raina.

We have been in commmunication with our Social Worker, or siblings SW most days, who have been forthcoming with information. (Difference Number 1)  Things feel to be moving along quickly. (Difference Number 2)

Today, we visited the Foster Carers house for Raina to be able to meet her little baby sibling.  This was a very odd situation and if sibling hadn't come along and been living there, it's unlikely we would have ever taken Raina back to the house.  We were worried that this could be retraumatising for Raina, but she had asked to go there and meet her sibling, so it seemed like she felt comfortable going back. When we walked down the street to the house, it brought all the emotions of matching and introductions flooding back.  Mummy, Momma and Raina all agreed that they felt nervous and excited (and sick!)

At the house, Foster Carer greeted us at the door and kneeled down for Raina to give her a hug, which she did. Momma went into the house and through to the living room, whilst Raina asked for a toilet visit.  It was weird being back in the bathroom for me, where we had started toilet training our daughter 17 months ago.   Memories started flooding back to me and I realised how much I love Raina.

Then I took Raina into the front room, introducing her to her baby sibling.  Raina was very sweet and caring, touching her gently. Momma asked Raina if she wanted to hold Lily.  Raina gave a hug and it was a very wonderful moment to be introducing her to her sibling.  Raina gave over the present she had chosen for her Lily.  Raina stood a while taking it all in and then started playing with the Foster Carer.  Raina seemed very relaxed and played with the Foster Carers grand daughter, running around the house together giggling, like they last saw each other yesterday, rather than over a year ago.

Momma and I took it in turns to hold Lily.  Momma did a nappy change and we both bottle fed. We have agreed to meet in a couple of weeks again.

Social Workers have all agreed that these visits can go ahead and that they have no problems with us meeting up in this way. We cannot allow ourselves to become attached personally, we must remain focused on contact for Raina's benefit.  The  Local Authority have not yet been to court and been able to secure a Placement Order.  This means that Adoption for Lily is not happening any time soon.  They are completing the reports required by the court at the hearing, but this can take some time.   Once this comes into place (thinking positively) we know that there are no other prospective adopters being considered, they would want us to move ahead. Until we know the legal bits are done; this is rather like a dream.

This unknown is stopping us from completely relaxing and enjoying this moment, but we are finding it hard not to start getting attached to the amazing, perfect new born baby we met today.

Hannah & Ruth

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